Common sense triumphs occasionally...
Mommie Dark
JoinedPosts by Mommie Dark
for those who missed it, a JW headline
by Mommie Dark incommon sense triumphs occasionally.... !!
WT website-shunning-Where is it????
by Had Enough ini, along with many others here, saw on the wt official website, in the faqs section, their answer to the question "do jw's shun former memebers?"..
we've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "wt-faq on shunning--" just yesterday.. this morning i went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless i'm not awake yet.. is it gone or did i somehow miss it?.
also....i did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so i changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "child custody" came back as the only reference.
Mommie Dark
Thanks for the info, Somebody, I found it! It made me feel nauseous, but I found it.
My mommy would wash my mouth out with soap if I lied as big and fat as those guys lie to the public...
WT website-shunning-Where is it????
by Had Enough ini, along with many others here, saw on the wt official website, in the faqs section, their answer to the question "do jw's shun former memebers?"..
we've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "wt-faq on shunning--" just yesterday.. this morning i went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless i'm not awake yet.. is it gone or did i somehow miss it?.
also....i did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so i changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "child custody" came back as the only reference.
Mommie Dark
Somebody, I just went over there and clicked on 'beliefs' and I can't see anything that remotely resembles 'FAQ' there. It's all brochures and magazine articles. And yes, I tried the search function and got no return for shunning ordisassociation, an article about child custody that mentions 'disfellowshipping' and a search of 'expulsion' led to an article about fallen angels.
So am I missing this link or doing something wrong that I can't find it?
wasted in arguments
by hippikon ini think a lot of space is wasted in arguments that get personal.
we are a varied bunch and i think that variety is good.
i dont want to discourage anyone from posting but personal attacks ( justified or not) dont achieve anything.
Mommie Dark
wasted in arguments
by hippikon ini think a lot of space is wasted in arguments that get personal.
we are a varied bunch and i think that variety is good.
i dont want to discourage anyone from posting but personal attacks ( justified or not) dont achieve anything.
Mommie Dark
Hi Emyrose. The reason you are having trouble getting sympathy and empathy, is that we all just feel you have enough sympathy and empathy for your own self, without us cluttering up your headspace with extra stuff, especially since you obviously hold most of us in extreme comtempt.
You want others to be all sweet and kind and googoo to you while reserving the right to be really nasty to others for yourself.
Get a clue, troll. You are acting like a nasty vicious little git. I bet the 'friends sitting next to you' while you spew your trollbait are just other aspects of your vicious little self. Any sane intelligent observer would know exactly who is keeping the pot stirred up.
Your attempts to derail the debate into a race/gender war are just proof that you are only here for titillation, not communication. Low tactics from a desperate ego.
You want kindness and understanding, try turning off that stream of pointless moronitude you're spewing, and quit trying to outpiss everyone who's told you you're acting like a moron. You're waaaay out of your intellectual league, and your pouting and nastiness just display your childishness and immaturity.
And you have yet to make a salient point of any kind!
Now take your stinky prejudices and go find a clue, willya?
Can't wait to see what nasty insults you have waiting for me!
Laughing at you heartily, no sympathy in sight,
Mommie Dark -
Suzi Mayhem Outdoes John Cleese
by AlanF ina critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
Mommie Dark
Alan honey sweetie please PLEASE quit scratching these pimpleheads, they are oozing their idiot pus all over the place!
I gotta say, though, I got a real HOOTYHOOT out of dude's rehash of Vonnegut's Tralfamadorian time-travel schtick. I guess literary fancy about science is as real as science for some pimpleheads.
Now quit squeezing the zits Alan. I know it's satisfying when they go 'pop!' but the ooze is really nasty. Let them keep all that smug firmly inside their inflated intellectual pustules where it's all theirs and we don't have to get splashed with it!
Mommie Dark
I had a workmate once who was a unique human; she was half Irish and half Cherokee and her uncle was a medicine man on the rez in TN. She wsa mostly a pragmatic and hardnosed practical sort of person, but she had deep abiding respect for native spirituality mixed with genuine fear of its manifestations. Apparently her uncle had urged her most of her life to study native religion and healing with him. She chose to devote her life to nursing the elderly in institutions and in her words 'stay away from that creepy stuff'. I got pretty close to her and her kids, and spent a fair amount of time with them. I had known her well over a year when she introduced me to her Tarot cards.
She said she found them in her mailbox one morning years earlier, in a manila envelope. THey bore no postmark or postage, and the note included, typewritten, said only, 'the cards like to be wrapped in silk.' She told me that she scoffed at the notion, put the cards in a drawer, and went about her business.
And when she was shopping at the mall later that day, she bought a silk scarf, and went home and wrapped the cards in it. Refusing to give it any 'thought', she just 'did it.'
She told me she almost never touched the cards. She called it 'letting the spirits lead' her; she used the cards when she felt 'compelled' to do so.
She felt compelled to read mine once. I have never seen a reading like the one she did. Obviously she had no typical formal training in the Tarot. She didn't use any spread I recognize. She told me that the cards were showing her mostly past, and proceeded to tell me things that I had never told her or anyone. It was, in a word, uncanny.
When she was done, she seemed embarrassed and apologized for possibly hurting me by talking about sensitive issues. She also seemed very tired, as if the reading had sapped her strength.
She never mentioned the cards gain, and I never saw them again in the two years I knew her before I moved out of state.
I think maybe in the back of my mind I hoped (and feared) I would have some oogly-boogly psychic boost out of using the cards. But no... I bought mine in a book store, learned to read them out of a book, and although it pleases me how spang-right-on a reading can be, there is nothing supernatural or inexplicable about how it works. I sure can't duplicate the vibes that her reading gave off, or see into a querent's past accurately like she did.
'Psychic' is a pretty broad and IMO misused term to describe a variety of anomalous experience. This gal sure had something, but was she 'psychic'? Could she have 'seen' those things about me through some other medium, like trance or Ouija board or palmistry? Were the cards the medium of communication, or was she?
and the big ???... how come we ALL can't do this? and why does it come in unpredictable and unquantifiable chunks instead of neat tidy manageable bits that we could study easily?
And one last ?... how come when I do a reading for someone, it comes out meatier when they have 'crossed my palm' in some way? That started out as a joke, but we soon found that the best readings really are the ones that the querent has paid for in some way. Is this a psychological thing, and if so, is it my mind or theirs that makes this happen?
Urban Legends!
by ISP inits amazing the extent these circulate in the wt world.
i am not so sure, but it develops a powerful folklore amongst jws....often with a moral at the end!
typically these circulate as experiences given in talks and are then adopted by the masses as truth.. for example, anyone hear the ul about the married couple where the wife had to have a routine blood check.
Mommie Dark
I wonder if Geoff is still following this thread?
I sometimes get mad a ME for still being capable of amazement at this JW superstition and fear of demons inhabiting objects. When am I going to cease to be surprised at the depths of moronitude to which sheepism can lead?
Like a moth to a flame
by Esmeralda inhi everyone.... what is it about this place?
what is it that keeps drawing me back when i have.
all these plans to try to just leave the jw issues alone, behind me and think.
Mommie Dark
Yes Mommy you DO help the newbies a lot. You also strengthen the resolve of others who are growing weary; when we see you being kind and straighforward to those newbies, it helps us maintain our slipping perspectives.
Isn't there something in the Bible about gathering together? Don't all human cultures incorporate fraternization rituals into their lives? We want society... we're social beings. Some might argue that we NEED the society of like-minded people.
As social groups go, this one is pretty stimulating. It has a real complex dynamic tension at its core. I love your 'moth to flame' analogy, Es. Just remember that if you kamikaze into the heart of a flame you will get fried hard. Warm yer cockles here but don't try to live in the flame's heart. (insert here Mommie's standard caveat about the rarefied atmosphere of internet communication and its magnifying effect.)
oblique to your point, hon, I was thinking about moths and flames and sacred light a while back, and it occurred to me to wonder: maybe if you obey that urge to 'go toward the light' you're working with as much info as the brainless moth had when he fried? IOW maybe we should not be so eager to enter that light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe there's a better place off some side tunnel? One that won't burn off yer whiskers?
Most Hypocritical Act Witnessed As A JW
by goo inwhat was the most hypocritical act you personally witnessed during your incarceration as a jw?.
hypocritical acts you witnessed being performed by those claiming to be of the anointed are most especially welcome to be posted.. the person who posts the most hypocritical act will receive the complete box set of the bethel family sing the kingdom melodies vols 1 - 10 complete as first prize.. the runner up will receive two box sets.. i'll start off.. the most hypocritical thing i ever witnessed was the (married) co who ran off with the (single) special pioneer immediately after giving a talk at the district convention on "jehovahs gift of marriage".. sister special had the suitcases packed and the motor running out in the parking lot (located directly behind the platform) as co spiritual giant wrapped up his talk.
he finishes the talk then leaves the platform for the getaway car to a tumultuos round of applause from the massive crowd.. both last sighted somewhere slightly up ahead of a fading into the distance cloud of dust.. goo
Mommie Dark
"bondage is probably a lot more common than anybody openly admits, but... a three-month collection of used rubbers? Eewww. This dude is seriously sick."
Yes, that's what I told him. I could understand the handcuffs (with pretty pink fuzzy lining BTW) but stashing the condoms like that was just plain GROSS.
When I asked him didn't the hypocrisy bother his conscience, he didn't even blink. So long as nobody 'in the truth' found out, he was cool with juggling the two lives.